Page 1 of 1 7.4 Released
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 9:08 am
by Frank Hileman
We released versions 7.4, 6.4, and 5.4. Changes include:
- Support for Visual Studio 2012, the SHOUTING MENU edition.
- Redesigned Picture Designer dialog windows: we reduced their size and made them more usable with all environment font sizes.
- A redesign of the CustomElement class API. This includes breaking changes necessary to fix the underlying design problems. CustomElement based sample code has changed accordingly.
- Bug fixes.
For a description of all changes, please see the version 7.4
Readme document.
Why 3 different versions of There is one version of for each version of Visual Studio:
- version 7.4 is for Visual Studio 2012
- version 6.4 is for Visual Studio 2010
- version 5.4 is for Visual Studio 2008
We keep these version source-code compatible, so you can move between different versions of Visual Studio. When you purchase a license, you obtain licenses for all versions of, so you can use all versions of Visual Studio. 7.4b is released; read below.
Re: 7.4 Released
Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 7:59 am
by Frank Hileman
When you update your projects to use Visual Studio 2012, please check the .net framework target, and the Prodige.Drawing assembly version number. In Visual Studio 2012 you will need to use Prodige.Drawing.dll version 7.x, in order to have designer support.
Update: In 7.4a Prodige.Drawing.dll targeted .net 4.5. In 7.4b, Prodige.Drawing.dll targets .net 4.0. If you cannot see 7.4 in the "add new references" dialog, you will need to change your .net framework target to .net 4.5, or upgrade to version 7.4b (a free upgrade for users of 7.4a). The .net framework 4.0 and 4.5 use a different location for GAC installed assemblies. If you don't use a later framework target, you won't see these assemblies when you try to add a reference.
Re: 7.4 Released
Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:39 am
by Frank Hileman 7.4b is released. This is a free upgrade for 7.4 users. The main change: Prodige.Drawing.dll now targets .net 4.0, allowing you to deploy on windows XP machines, which do not support .net 4.5. There are some minor documentation improvements as well.
Re: 7.4 Released
Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 3:12 pm
by Frank Hileman
A customer identified a problem preventing the start menu link to 7 help from launching on a 64 bit system. If you have this problem, please contact us via the support page of the web-site, or on this forum, and we will email you a fix.